Femininity and masculinity are ambivalent. Each holds the potential for both creation and destruction.
That’s why myths, religions, and folklore give us:
Dionysus, the wild passion and irrationality, and Apollo, the reason and purity.
Hecate, the mistress of shadows, and Demeter, the giver of harvests.
Kali, the goddess of death, and Lakshmi, the goddess of fertility.
Loki, the cunning trickster, and Thor, the noble protector.
Set, the god of chaos, and Horus, the god of order.
The Stepmother and the Good Fairy, and so on.
Praising one side of the coin while hiding the other is naïve. You can’t fool nature. In the end, she’ll turn even the noblest intention inside out like a sock.
Denying this duality fuels conflicts among people.
But the ultimate irony? The loudest voices in these debates fail to see the duality within themselves. Carl Jung believed every man and woman carries a corresponding Animus and Anima—the archetypes of masculinity and femininity. They are the bridge between your conscious and unconscious mind.
A weak connection to this spirit makes a person one-sided and vulnerable. A man like that will not spot danger in time, dismiss opportunities, and lack flexibility. A woman will struggle to stand her ground, take initiative, or firmly say, “No!”
But when a man connects well with his Anima, she inspires him, offers fresh solutions, and guides him toward the right path, much like the wise spirit guides in fairy tales.
Ignore this messenger from your unconscious, and disaster follows. Anima and Animus will retreat into the shadows and begin their revenge. Inside, there will be either chaos or stagnation.
Many struggles in business and personal life don’t stem from bad luck or bad people—they come from inner disharmony.
The ancient Greek philosopher Chilon expanded on the Delphic maxim:
“Know yourself, and you will know the gods and the universe.”
Yours sincerely,
About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.
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