What clients are saying about my business therapy

Pavlo Deshchinsky

“I wasn't sure I was coming to the right place, and at the time it seemed that working with a therapist would bring better results. My issue was a bit fuzzy and lay on the edge of personal and business. As a result of our sessions with Alexander, I was one step closer to understanding "For what?" and got some pretty specific insights into important decisions that were being made in the company at the time. I won't say it was advice, but because of the specific questions on point, Alexander was great at leading me to the right decisions. Working with Alexander, I had the impression that he had worked in our business for a long time and had a good understanding of its problems, as if I was consulting with a colleague. In general, Alexander is close to me in terms of values. I had the feeling that I was talking to someone who knew me well. Perhaps this was thanks to his experience of working with different people and his ability to find an approach that worked in a particular case. I recommend the business therapy service because with my query Alexander really helped me”.

Pavlo Deshchinsky, COO and co-owner of N-iX, one of the fastest-growing IT companies in Europe, 1700+ tech-experts.

Natalia Yaromenko

“It is necessary to understand that I am very skeptical and wary of psychologists, coaches and any consultants in general... When I heard that a man called himself a therapist for businessmen, I had one desire — to stay away from him as far as possible. But curiosity, how in one person it all fits, won out. And so last December I went to see Alexander for the first time. And it was a miracle. In 60 minutes of communication, from my rather rambling stories about my business, I got the answer for the first time in my life why I succeeded. And why everything that in normal businesses is considered a drawback, for me is a great value. I don't understand how, but Alexander reveals the very key strength you have, your specialness. He discovers the very fulcrum through which you can turn the world upside down. Now more than ever, it is important for all of us to find that fulcrum. It will help us not only to survive in these super-tough times, but also to make a breakthrough and take our businesses to the next level. If you, like me, are facing losses and a crisis in your business, I highly recommend talking to Alexander. This could be exactly the meeting that will turn your life around. He is also a very bright person🤍”.

Natalia Iaromenko, founder of Beauty Tech Corporation, аn international cosmetic holding company.

Ivan Yevtushenko

“At the time, my mind was confused and I lacked an experienced interlocutor to help me make sense of the situation. As a result of business therapy, I got a clear picture of the present and different scenarios for the future. It certainly helped me structure my thoughts, coolly assess my opportunities and potential risks and make the right decision. An entrepreneur often sees no other options but one. Alexander gives you freedom of choice, because he knows how to look at the situation from the outside and find really cool opportunities in it. Alexander clearly visualizes and thinks systematically, so complex and confusing situations can be entrusted to him. In addition, it is easy and relaxing to talk to him. Alexander's business therapy is sure to be useful to many founders and CEOs”.

Ivan Yevtushenko, CEO of Treeum, a FinTech company that owns Finance.ua and Minfin.com.ua brands.

Chyngys Barynov

“I did not have a clear request, but rather a vague concern. For a long time I had doubts about how to ask, though I understood that a look from the outside would help me. Through our dialogue, I was able to accurately express all my concerns and prescribe clear steps to address them. Alexander has a quick mind and he is very open, which allows him to see the situation out of the box. Alexander is competent and can be trusted. I know for a fact that it is a super positive ROI — to get an important insight in such a short time, which some people can take many years to achieve”.

Chyngys Barynov, co-founder of Worksection, a SaaS project management service with 1,300+ client companies.

Alexey Chapko photo

“For the last 5 years I stopped working with coaches and business trainers because most of them, at least those I knew, did not have the unique, relevant practical experience that allowed me to change my perspective of perception. The combination of Alexander's investment, entrepreneurial and corporate experience, as well as his knowledge of psychology and coaching gave me a very interesting perspective on my entire career. And also allowed me to expand my horizon and see how personal medium- and long-term goals and thinking strategy influence various business decisions every day. And accordingly, how and what can be done differently, more effectively.

I really liked Alexander's fundamental, very meticulous and thoughtful approach to analyzing cause and effect relationships. It helped us quickly find the root problem and solution strategies. And yes, Alexander is very easy to communicate with. Thanks to a large shared base of books read, knowledge gained and experience, I immediately felt on the same page with the person who understands me without unnecessary words. The main thing for me is the result and the result I got, I absolutely did not expect (in a good sense). I was able to look at the whole business differently, instantly recognize and start to implement the opportunities that I had never noticed before! Thank you Alexander for the tremendous work and the impressive result I got!”

Alex Chapko, General Manager & VP of Sales at Piano, a SaaS platform offering analytics, personalization and subscription. Previously CEO and co-founder of Newzmate (acquired by Piano).

Jane Vyshnova

“I had a negative experience in the past, when business consulting did me no good, but rather harm. But I found some familiar faces in the feedback from Alexander's clients. These guys are really doing well. And it made me want to be among the champions, too :)

As a result of business therapy I got a road map for the company for at least the next year, a solution to one VERY painful issue incredibly fast, and the practical experience that all the answers are within me. So many people talk about the importance of positioning and the company mission and how to formulate them. But this is the first time I've seen anyone HELP to crystallize a company's positioning.

It was also the first time I understood my purpose. Alexander saw my personal problem, which was firmly inhibiting my business development, and helped me to voice it. I now go back to myself. This was something I hadn't expected from business therapy at all.

I recommend Alexander's services to all my good acquaintances because he will definitely help them to hear themselves and their business, to plan its development and growth” (read the full version).

Jane Vyshnova, founder and CEO of Dinarys, a digital transformation consultancy for medium and large retailers.

Sasha Bondar

“The first time I wrote to Alexander, there were no expectations — it was a step of desperation. I am glad that I chose a long-term partnership. It is akin to building a business with a partner.

Most of all I liked the fact that Alexander doesn't try to teach me anything — he easily adjusts to my level, helps me find my next natural step in development and nudges me a little in that direction. All of our findings, hypotheses and plans are as practical as possible, and there is always enough available resource to implement them. The regularity of our meetings helps to keep the momentum going.

In his work, Alexander easily sees the essence of the processes in my business and almost always finds an angle from which you can see interesting solutions and ideas. Alexander's approach is both flexible and firm. Firmness is shown in the focus on selected hypotheses, while flexibility is shown in the options for testing those hypotheses.

I recommend that you start getting to know Alexander with his newsletter. It's incredible how he finds deep thoughts and stories to share with his readers every day. If, afterwards, you feel it's time to share your pain with Alexander - then feel free to move after that desire!” (read the full version).

Sasha Bondar, founder of Reintech, a recruiting service for mature Ruby / JavaScript developers for US CTOs.

Vlad Flax

“Before we started our work, I was concerned that Alexander did not have enough experience in our subject area (MarTech SaaS B2B). As a result of the business therapy, I got the focus of my own efforts and the team on the bottlenecks. It was especially valuable to me that Alexander forms an independent judgment and is able to brightly illuminate the main points. I also liked his thoughtful approach and clear examples in communication, without any unnecessary tinsel. I can recommend working with Alexander to entrepreneurs who think their problems are unique and no one understands them”.

Vlad Flax, founder and CEO of OWOX, the top 3 SaaS platform for marketing analytics in the world

Denis Dovgopoliy

“Despite my dislike of consultants of all sorts, it was Sasha's approach that years ago gave me the feeling that real add value consulting should look exactly this way. And when he began his practice I started to refer people to him and in 100% of cases I got great feedback. Once I had to lead a strategic session in one of the portfolio companies with a difficult founder, but I could not do it physically and I doubted my ability to cope with this, I did not hesitate to give it to Sasha and did not come up trumps. In short, if you need a business therapist, board member, strategy adviser or facilitator — here he is! (read the full version)”.

Denis Dovgopoliy, founder of Unicorn Nest, a worldwide database of venture capital funds.

Alexander Kokhanovsky

“What will change? What kind of product will we get at the end?" — I doubted on the eve of our one-day session. As a result of business therapy there definitely was a boost in team spirit and productivity. The people were no longer afraid to tell the truth to their face, and we became more open and goal-oriented. Most of all, I liked the way Alexander dug into the details and forced us to come up with cool conclusions :) A kind of a session of corporate psychologist ;) Whatever I write here pales in the background of the real value for the company. I would recommend Alexander's services to mature companies that have found out their problems and need such a doctor ;) I think we'll meet soon again!”.

Alexander Kokhanovsky, CEO and founder of ZeroGravity Group and DreamTeam platform, founder of the NAVI eSports team, and former co-owner of ESforce Holding.

Valery Grabko

"Before the strategy session, I had some doubts whether Alexander would be able to dive deep into our operations, clear out who in our company is responsible and for what. Here we succeeded in everything by 120%, we even got tips on working with investors. At the beginning I also wanted the business therapist to give me direct recommendations, but it does not work that easy. As a result of the session, I got clarity on the root of the problem and an action plan how to fix things. I recommend Alexander's business therapy to all founders for clarifying goals and restructuring roles during the growth and transformation of the company.".

Valery Grabko, co-founder and COO of PromoRepublic, a SaaS service for automating content marketing in social networks.

Eduardo Akhramovych

“Every entrepreneur faces new situations where the stakes (risk and reward) are particularly high. In such cases, the objective diagnosis of the problem, the search for non-trivial solutions and the creation of a realistic action plan determine the success of the enterprise. Alexander's value is in his ability to ask insightful questions, actively listen to the interlocutor and offer an unexpected view on the subject under discussion. His involvement helped me to restructure the task in a new way, to avoid unnecessary spending and to focus our resources”.

Eduardo Akhramovych, founder and general producer of Art Nation, a leader in brand licensing, animation production, AR content and loyalty campaigns.

Dmytro Kashpor

“Before engaging Alexander, I doubted If he could feel the entrepreneurial culture of our company. It turned out that Alexander quickly understands the client and finds a common language. At the same time, he maintains a "therapeutic" distance, which is ethical and right. Alexander moderated a number of strategic sessions, during which our team took a deep dive into non-standard models for building a distribution channel. As a result, we managed to hold good negotiations with key market players, looked decent and laid a strong foundation for further development. Most of all I liked Alexander's focus on the end result and his rare ability to quickly focus without losing depth. It was also useful to cross-check similar experiences in other businesses and industries. I trust Alexander and recommend his services to other CEOs”.

Dmytro Kashpor, CEO of Adama Ukraine, part of the Syngenta Group, a leading manufacturer of plant protection products and seeds.

Max Pechersky

“Regarding the strategy session, my concern was "Will the investment of our time and money (ROI) pay off?" Alexander helped actualize the personal goals of the co-founders and the goals of the company, and then synchronize them all together. He acted as a catalyst for the difficult discussions we kept putting off. I liked his facilitation, conversation control, and framework. The result was a clear picture of where and for what we were going, and what everyone could bring to the table along the way. After the session, we reviewed the responsibilities of the co-founders, implemented corporate governance practices, and strengthened the board of directors. It's easy for me to recommend Alexander's services because he really helped us”.

Max Pechersky, co-founder and CEO PromoRepublic, a SaaS service for automating content marketing in social networks.

Dmitriy Bondar

“Sometimes there's just no one to talk to about serious business topics. After all - the right question asked to yourself is often a half of the solution. It is useful to everyone, but especially to owners. As a result of business therapy with Sasha, I got a compass adjustment and clarity in my head. I like his calmness, sincerity and ability to listen. In addition, Sasha has an interesting mix of knowledge from business and sports. It's not just a conversation with a psychologist, but an honest discussion with a deep understanding of business. Sasha does the right and useful thing. That's why for me his services are easy to recommend”.

Dmitriy Bondar, Founder of FastForward, MBA Strategy, MBA25 and GoGMAТ.

Dmitry Karchuk

“Alexander has a unique skill — listening. Even from the most abstract problem that seemingly would require a long introduction to an outsider, he is able to draw out its very essence, describe and show it from different angles. At the same time, despite his vast experience, he does not impose his vision, but works with the client's view of the world. The depth of the questions helps you to immerse yourself in the problem at a completely different level. At the same time Alexander managed to accumulate all the information that I "poured out" and without losing anything important, he transformed all this into comprehensible models. All over again I assure myself that the most complicated and confusing questions which I can resolve myself for months can be answered rather quickly if you know who to talk to) I strongly recommend Alexander as a business therapist and a wise interlocutor”.

Dmitry Karchuk, Executive Director at CEO Club Ukraine

Roman Gavrish

“Alexander has been helping us as agency' shareholders to manage the company transformation as well as to define partners' roles within the organisation. Partly due to that we have managed to transform agency on both organisational and cultural levels successfully. So I highly recommend Alexander as a "sparring partner" to adjust company' strategic vision, owners'/partners' roles, clarify growth points”.

Roman Gavrish, founder of the strategic marketing agency Aimbulance, which became x3 most effective digital agency of the year according to Effie Awards Ukraine and x4 "digital agency #1" as chosen by Ukrainian advertisers.

Igor Andreichyn

“It's great if you have good connections and you can just write to someone who is older and more experienced, 'Can I invite you to a cup of coffee, tell you the situation and ask for advice?' That's what I could do and I did. And every time I felt uncomfortable because I was taking away attention and time without giving anything in return. Even if you're lucky enough to have this opportunity, it's wrong to abuse it. It turns out that there is a healthy version of such relationship: "business therapy." In my current case this is a mix of a business consultant, a psychologist and a coach, because in my new project I am still a Solo Founder and I do everything myself. As a result of my cooperation with Sasha, I got a fresh perspective and interesting questions. I think that the opportunity to buy the attention of a person whose task is to get into your context for reasonable money is fantastic” (read the full version).

Igor Andreichyn, founder of Homemoney.ua, an accounting service and founder of Reflektion, a minimalist light sculpture project (German Design Award Winner 2020).

Yuri Vlasyuk

“As a result of working with Alexander, I got a working business model, which seems to have been "cooking" within me, but could not get a license to live. With precise and attentive questions, all my thoughts and hopes around the future direction were brought to the surface and put down on paper. And a strong feeling that I, not a business therapist, am the author of the idea. And that's why I'm happy to implement it — it's not some "external business plan".

I liked the surgically precise and painful questions about the prospects of the current business model. I liked the questions on how to develop a new work model, its uniqueness, and the competitiveness of my business in this model. I liked the simulation "What happens if you give up X, Y, Z?". I didn't want to refuse, that's how it is with us, that's how everyone works in the end. The various simulation scenarios expanded my options space and helped solidify my final decision” (read the full version).

Yuri Vlasyuk, founder of iLand, an authorized Apple retailer, and head producer of Mini Maker Faire in Ukraine.

Roman Katerinchik

“By the way, I remembered our 30-minute meeting and realized that you had straightened my head with two questions.) Seriously — since then I stopped worrying about making a product out of outsourcing. Thank you )”.

Roman Katerinchik, is the founder of the IT-companies Artjoker and Ahundred, the fintech companies MyCredit and Oncredit and the author of a popular Telegram-channel.


In the calendar below you can choose a convenient time to call me, clarify your situation and decide together how I can help you.