
Yuri Vlasyuk

Yuri Vlasyuk

The founder of the company "iLand", an authorized seller of Apple, as well as the head producer of "Mini Maker Faire" in Ukraine.

“Before we started, I had quite traditional doubts. I have been in business for 20 years, I know thousands of nuances, situations and problems. And now I will have to spend a lot of time to explain in what conditions we work and what problems we face. And explain it to someone very far from my business. Yes, there are "big four", there are a lot of consultants, but what can they know about my niche business? And I was afraid, because in the past I had an unpleasant experience when a consultant stole the database of corporate clients and sold it to other companies.

As a result of working with Alexander, I got a working business model that seemed to be maturing in my midst, but could not get a license to live. With precise and attentive questions, all my thoughts and hopes around the future direction were brought to the surface and put down on paper. And a strong feeling that I, not a business therapist, is the author of the idea. And that's why I'm happy to implement it - it's not some "external business plan".

I liked the surgically precise and painful questions about the prospects of the existing business model. I liked the questions about the way to develop a new model of work, its uniqueness, competitiveness and the place of my business in this model. I liked the simulation "What will happen if you give up X, Y, Z?". I didn't want to give up, that's what we have, that's how everyone works in the end. Different simulation scenarios expanded my inner space for decision-making and helped me to come to terms with the final decision.

No one really listens to the entrepreneur. Friends have their problems, and even when they listen, they think about their own, or remember similar stories and hurry to tell them. Relatives get tired of talking about business pretty quickly. They are more interested in hearing about gains than about problems or challenges - which is also logical. Being heard, being able to speak out in business is a very interesting experience that has helped me personally.

I also liked Alexander's ability to ask questions in such a way that even if you made a stupid mistake, you don't feel embarrassed. An atmosphere in which you can talk openly about the problem is very important. In my opinion, this is what is called "safe space" in many practices. I felt this atmosphere and sincerely appreciate it.

I already recommend Alexander's services to other entrepreneurs. At the very least - to plunge into the atmosphere of "safe space", a very unusual and soothing feeling. I am sure that the business therapy service will help to identify promising areas of activity, consciously reject old models, and generally look at their activities a little wider”.

Yuriy: Facebook | Linkedin | iyura AT mac DOT com
Business: iLand | Mini Maker Faire

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