When it comes to personality, there are no universal formulas. Even the most insightful theories and methods must be set aside so you can truly see the eyes in front of you.
It’s like an interviewer’s rule: you have to create a plan, but the moment the microphone turns on, you must forget it entirely.
Otherwise, all you’ll capture is a pawprint in the sand, an abandoned nest, or the shell of a shrimp. Not the person—just a stencil of who they are.
But if your goal is to help someone, make peace, or start a business together, you need to find the starting point—the source from which his or her life, willpower, and purpose flow.
This is both simple and difficult.
Simple because if you approach it this way, you’ll achieve more than you ever dreamed. When people feel heard, they’ll tell you themselves how to meet their needs, comfort them, or offer support.
The difficulty doesn’t lie in lacking skills or patience. To seek the source of life in the other person, you must first discover that source within yourself.
Some may be puzzled right now, wondering, “What? How come?”
This isn’t some cute metaphor borrowed from a myth, parable, or fairy tale. No, lived experience must convince you that within you flows a fountain of life’s elixir. It governs everything:
The sudden alignment of scattered elements into a pattern.
A sense of opportunity invisible to everyone else.
A persistent warning about approaching danger.
Certainty in “A” when the crowd chants “Not A.”
The strength to let go of a cherished past.
Openness to what’s new and yet to come.
A nudge when deciding, “Is it or isn’t it?”
Clarity about what’s really happening.
A clever way out of a dead end.
A sense of personal meaning, and so on.
When the origins of two or more people connect, harmony restores itself. All you need to do is observe this mysterious process with awe.
Yours sincerely,
About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.
How can I help you?
If you've long been trying to understand what is limiting you and/or your business and how to finally give important changes a push, then The Catalyst Session is designed specifically for you. Book it here.