Your Sanity in a Crazy World / by Alexander Lyadov

Looking around, it's easy to get down. Feels like the world's heading south:

  • In the ashes of religions, ideology weeds sprout.

  • Tech progress speeds up people going backward.

  • Civilized society smashes its own foundation.

  • Democracies turn into dictatorships with surprising ease.

  • Prisoners of war are tortured as in ancient times.

  • Angry crowds burn heretics in digital bonfires.

Hoping that Mars colonization, AI, or universal income will change human life for the better is naive at best.

A millennium of culture is like pollen, not even a beast's skin. One gust of History, and we hear the beast's soul-chilling howl.

Antibiotics, industrialization, and the internet caused a revolution. But human nature stays the same. Despite aspiring to holiness, humans regularly regress to the level of chimpanzees.

But don't rush to be sad — there's good news.

If all attempts to "build our new world" lead to nothing, isn't that a clear sign of better path?

The only things you control are your spirit, mind, and body. And if you're honest with yourself, it's clear how hard it is to change them.

The size of these efforts burn the illusion that someone can be helped from outside, especially if they didn't ask.

But when you manage to untangle the mental "knot," turn a curse into a gift, or kick a bad habit, that victory is yours to keep.

Furthermore, you observe that internal changes "coincide" with positive shifts in your immediate circle.

Conclusion: don't worry about the world's clutter — you have plenty to do within.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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