Han Chengli, Inner Mongolian Child, 2003
"In the beginning, there was the word..." That famous idea isn't random.
There are many reasons why this is true. Here's one, for instance.
When people stay silent for too long, conflict arises. If the energy can't find an outlet, the closed system within bursts from within.
Suddenly, a people snap, and their reaction (violence) is excessive.
They got a release, but now it's shameful to recall the incident.
Alas, between the impulse and the action, an important step is missed — the word. The beauty of words is that they're like prototypes, models, and drafts. Implicit meaning transforms into explicit form. Finally, you can grasp it, try it on, and evaluate.
Most importantly, words allow you to receive feedback. Others or even you yourself can now express your attitude toward what was implied in those words.
Thanks to this back-and-forth exchange, you can quickly dispel illusions, correct mistakes, and see the essence. And the cost of this exercise is minimal. In heated debates, there are no life threats.
You probably thought, 'Hmm, this is obvious.' But somehow, when it's not society, but the individual, it's not obvious anymore.
A person repeats like a mantra, 'I am OK, I am OK, I am OK...', even though the temperature and pressure in his 'boiler' is rising. Not only those around him but also their subconscious are genuinely concerned. Excuses, forgetfulness, losses, mistakes, and strange dreams multiply.
Either symbolize the inner conflict in words, or be amazed by its manifestation in actions. Even such a simple step as keeping a diary brings relief. Even better if there's a friendly person in front of you.
Ideally, he or she is a professional who knows how to listen not to what was said, but to what you were trying your best to say.
Sincerely yours,
About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.
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