Human Under Pressure / by Alexander Lyadov

Yesterday, once again, I watched the movie "12 Angry Men."

It's among my top ten favorite films. But why?

The film is black and white. It's been in theaters since 1957. The entire story unfolds in one room, symbolically locked up. A group of jurors must deliver a verdict for an 18-year-old defendant.

Doesn't sound very exciting, right? However, once you start watching it, you're unlikely to pause, even for a bathroom break. You become a witness to a fire, and the drama completely engrosses you.

We first saw it at the Chicago Business School 20 years ago. The professor used it to illustrate decision-making dynamics in a group and the transfer of power in a managerial setting.

But the film offers more insights than a businessman can grasp. A psychologist will notice examples of repression and acting out. A sociologist will relish the stages of conflict development. An existentialist will appreciate the sharp personal choice as a problem of freedom.

Moreover, this film teaches how to withstand societal pressure while remaining true to yourself. With the global rise of Tribalism 2.0 and the leaning towards dictatorship from both left and right forces, the ultimate question becomes how the individual can stay Human.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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