The Edge of Freedom / by Alexander Lyadov

No matter how bad you feel, there's always someone who's worse off. Looks like hell has no bottom, even on Earth. And if nature has its limits, human malice will break through every floor.

Other people's suffering can shock you and touch you to the core. However, with time, the impression will soften, and your back pain or job loss will be priority #1 again.

In other words, our problems eventually overshadow the problems of others. So, no one is ever comforted by advice like, 'Just think about how bad they had it! You're lucky compared to them.

However, the tough experiences of other people can change us just as profoundly as our own. It's not about the absolute magnitude of suffering but HOW those people endure it.

Do they face their fear head-on? Do they keep themselves together in a moment of disaster? Do they inspire others? Do they find meaning in their pains? Do they keep fighting when chances are slim? Do they radiate light when darkness consumes them? Do they remain Human, against all odds?

Attitude, choices, and actions are what change us. In others' experiences, we discover that creative spirit that's also within us. "What one man can do, another can do," said Charles Morse in my favorite movie "The Edge."

We simultaneously feel inspiration and anxiety. It's one thing to recognize our potential, and another to bring it to life. How we will act when our turn comes, we don't know. But the choice, and therefore freedom, we surely have.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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