Your Light Needs Dark / by Alexander Lyadov

Imagine you are the leader of the forces of light. Your goal is not just to defeat the forces of darkness, but to erase them completely, to make them forgotten forever.

Alright, say you succeed. What happens next?

The idea of "light" instantly loses its meaning. Light exists only as long as there is darkness. They are like communicating vessels, front and back, two sides of the moon.

Now there are no players and no chess game to play. Life stands still. Vitality fades.

Unfortunately, fighting your rejected part only weakens you.

The alternative is an act of humility — admitting you are a mystery to yourself:

  1. Consider that the shadow might hold some hidden meaning.

  2. At a comfortable pace explore this unknown part of yourself.

  3. Be surprised by the function it actually serves.

  4. Find a balance of all your forces that feels right for you.

  5. Channel your combined light and dark powers into a worthy cause.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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