Where to Buy Years of Life? / by Alexander Lyadov

"The amount of exercise you need to get massive benefits is such a small, I call it a disgustingly small amount, but it really is. Four minutes of vigorous activity per day reduces cancer risk by, I believe, 20%. And if you got up to 10 minutes, I think it was 30%," ​says Dr. Layne Norton​.

"Just 1-2 minutes of vigorous physical activity three times a day can lower the risk of cardiovascular death by 50% and all-cause mortality by 40%,” ​explains Dr. Rhonda Patrick​.

Imagine that! With just a few minutes of effort, you can “buy” years of life.

We’re not talking about grueling marathons, living on the tatami, or puking into a CrossFit bucket. Leave that to elite athletes who pay for golden seconds with such sacrifices.

All we ordinary people need is already within our reach. It's only ignorance that keeps us from being far healthier and stronger.

There’s also a strange tendency to overcomplicate everything. As if the best solutions are only available to demigods—rulers, aristocrats, billionaires, and the winners of the genetic lottery.

Ironically, the most important things in life are free for all:

  • Sleep.

  • Sunshine.

  • Physical activity.

  • Water and simple food.

  • Close relationships.

  • Interesting work.

  • Spirituality.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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