Your Job in Chaos / by Alexander Lyadov

Regularly, stuff happens to us that we didn't want.

Chaos stubbornly tries to:

  • scare us,

  • corner us,

  • confuse us,

  • get on our nerves,

  • disrupt our peace and so on.

People react differently to "surprises." Some explode while reading a Facebook post, or slump when a client says no. Yet others, despite their fear, inspire their team or calmly face a pointed gun.

Like burdocks sticking to animal fur, we latch onto the world with hooks. What upsets me might not faze you at all. And vice versa. This is evident in group therapy, where participants honestly share their thoughts.

It's sad not to know your "hook" and be constantly surprised: "What got into me?" or justify: "Anyone would have snapped at that moment." Thus, a person chooses the position of a victim, as if possessed by the "devil."

The alternative is to explore where, when, and how you become vulnerable. Even if you stumble, you won't be surprised anymore: "Oh, this again... Well, understood."

After repeating the experience countless times, you'll catch on and calm down faster. One day, you'll stop just a moment before. Then once in a hundred times. Then every fifth time and so on.

Seemingly, your work is boiling inside. Paradoxically, the world immediately around you starts changing bit by bit for the better. Whatever happens in space, on the continent, or in the country, you have an important job that nobody can do but you.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

How can I help you?
If you've long been trying to understand what is limiting you and/or your business and how to finally give important changes a push, then The Catalyst Session is designed specifically for you. Book it here.