What I Can't Forget / by Alexander Lyadov


Looking back at the work from XX years ago, what comes to mind?

Challenges? Incidents? Achievements? Rewards?

I instantly recall how excitingly we spent time together.

Yes, our team crafted Wow-brands for daring clients. We made our mark in the advertising industry. And the growing dividends impressed shareholders every year. However, all those ratings and numbers kind of faded over time.

I also need to strain to recall the difficulties, arguments, and dead ends. Of course, there were plenty.

Yet the feeling from the co-creation process in me is still fresh.

I'd think I'm the only one this odd. But my former colleagues regularly admit they can't forget that period either.

Another example is our internet startup, which wasn't exactly a success. Still, every time we meet with co-founders, we reminisce about our wild brainstorming with great warmth.

Why? Because creating Something from Nothing is always a miracle. That experience redeems tears, nerves, and sweat. It's a reward in itself.

In that moment, you forget about yourself and genuinely live 100%. Creativity, even alone, is splendid. And when you do it together, it's nothing short of a blessing.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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