Your Inner Island / by Alexander Lyadov

Inside each of us, there is a small island of stability. But right there, within us, lies the ocean of chaos.

At times, our eyes behold a paradise. Golden sands, azure waters, and gentle sunlight. It's easy to love this beautiful life. And then, out of nowhere, a storm sweeps in. Lightning tears through the black fabric of the sky. Monstrous waves crash onto the island, one after another. It feels like the end of the world.

All this drama unfolds in our minds. External events have an impact, but not in equal measure. For example, one person in the queue resorts to fists over a trivial matter. Meanwhile another, terminally ill, exudes calm, confidence, and serenity.

How is this possible? Shouldn't it be the other way around? No, what matters is not what happens to us but how we perceive ourselves in all of this. In essence, throughout life, we expand our island, building up the sand. The goal is to have solid ground beneath our feet the moment of truth comes.

Sincerely yours,


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