Morning Metamorphosis / by Alexander Lyadov

Every morning, I undergo a transformation. There's no other way to describe it.

In about an hour and a half, my state changes from "-" to "+."

I usually wake up feeling gloomy. I went to bed late, and air raid sirens woke me up during the night. My dog impatiently whines. An old injury aches. In short, a "good" morning!

Reluctantly, I prepare for my workout, whether it's jiu-jitsu, kettlebells, or mace. A sneaky thought flashes: "Maybe skip today?" But my body follows the rails of habit, and the thought dissipates like mist. Muscles do their familiar job, regardless of the mind's reflection. Along with streams of sweat, gloominess, and annoyance leave me.

A different person emerges from the contrasting shower. There's wild fatigue in my body, but clarity in my mind and peace in my soul. I curiously recall what's on my agenda for the day. The change in mindset is so significant that I'm amazed every time. And the more this transformation repeats, the easier it is to start it next time. That's how faith turns into knowledge. The mind, body, and psyche influence each other more than we expect.

Sincerely yours,


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