Your Inner Demons / by Alexander Lyadov

You have demons inside you.

Just like I do.

Just like all humans do.

These demons are not universal; they are unique to you.

Therefore, someone else's advice has limited value.

You have to handle them on your own, one by one.

It's going to be an epic struggle for power.

They will attempt to seduce, frighten, or confuse you in countless ways.

But you will gain control and submit them, without a doubt.

And then, there will be a surprise waiting for you.

Demons turn out to be incredibly productive.

Pursuing their obsessions, they work 24/7/365.

They have simply lacked a master to give them wise commands.

With time, you will come to appreciate their contributions more.

You'll realize that demons have power, or more precisely, superpower.

The amusing thing is that this superpower isn't theirs, but solely yours.

Once you accept this, the mission is complete.

The curse of the demons becomes a gift of the angels.

Sincerely yours,


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