Why We Drink? / by Alexander Lyadov

"Alcohol is liquid Mother."

A psychoanalyst can say it in a way that you can't forget it.

What comes to mind when you hear the word "motherhood"?

For instance:

  • care,

  • satiety,

  • warmth,

  • security,

  • pleasure,

  • coddling,

  • tenderness,

  • unconditional love.

If this is how one feels toward a baby or a school kid, that's awesome.

A new life needs a supportive environment because it's too fragile.

But what about a 40-year-old man with a beard and mustache?

Trying to apply these words to him feels off.

A man's typical tags might look like this:

  • strength,

  • restraint,

  • resilience,

  • toughness,

  • adaptability,

  • meaningfulness.

What does this man want when he tips the glass?

  • To relax,

  • To enjoy,

  • To forget,

  • To fuel up,

  • To warm up,

  • To silence his inner critic,

  • To boost his self-assurance,

  • To feel tranquility, at least for a while.

Functionally and symbolically, ethanol is like maternal milk.

An adult who drinks a lot can't cope with life's pressure.

So, he longs to return to a blissful state, a 'paradise'.

Alas, he can't. And waking from this sweet slumber is terrifying.

But I'm not against alcohol, as it can be fitting on rare occasions.

But don't kid yourself, what am I drinking for?

Sincerely yours,


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