Ice Option / by Alexander Lyadov

I've long read about the benefits of ice baths.

There are so many [​1​, ​2​]:

  • Reducing inflammation

  • Boosting the immune system

  • Activating antioxidant enzymes

  • Increasing metabolism and fat loss

  • Improving blood circulation and heart health

  • Decreasing muscle fatigue and post-workout pain

  • Easing symptoms of depression and anxiety

  • Enhancing muscle recovery after exertion

  • Heightening alertness and mental clarity

  • Building resilience to stress

  • Improving mood, and so on.

I even got myself used to taking cold showers, but I didn't go further. Sure, I remember the wonderful feelings AFTER plunging into an ice hole. However, I also remember my awful feelings BEFORE that. In short, there was a gap between thinking and doing.

Recently, I had an unusual day in terms of physical activity:

  • Morning swimming

  • Noon shooting at the range

  • Evening jiu-jitsu seminar

By evening, I needed a boost because I was squeezed like a lemon. Quietly cursing, I hopped into a tub chilled with ice packs and was amazed. Except for the first thirty seconds, the sensations were strange but not unpleasant. A cocoon formed around my body. Thoughts nearly disappeared, as if the cold froze my mind. Consciousness slowed down. Suddenly I felt the (long-awaited) calm.

After the procedure, a heat flared up in my body, providing enough energy for the seminar. The next day, the desire to repeat it arose. By the third day, I extended the experiment to three minutes.

I don't know if getting familiar with ice will turn into a friendship. I'm intrigued by the potential of this tool because it resembles a call option. It comes with a modest price in the form of initial discomfort. In exchange, we get unlimited upside. This pays off immediately and will pay dividends for many years, even decades, to come.

Sincerely yours,


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