Why do I value dreams? / by Alexander Lyadov

I love watching, recording, and then analyzing my dreams.

Not always, but quite often, they guide me.

In significance, their role resembles that of seabirds.

A bird is a good sign for one who has long wandered the open sea.

It means the long-awaited land is somewhere nearby.

Dreams also notify me of what should happen.

It's not about specific events; it's more about the direction my personality is taking.

In dreams, I see the changes that have already taken place within me.

You see, the physical reality is characterized by inertia.

Hence, in waking life, my behavior changes, but with a delay.

One could say that dreams help the implicit become explicit.

A few things have improved my understanding of dreams:

  • Psychedelic experiences.

  • Studying myths and fairy tales.

  • Learning the '​Focusing​' method.

  • Interpreting dreams with a psychotherapist.

So when I hear that dreams are delirium and rubbish, it amuses me.

Just like when people try to interpret dreams using templates.

To those individuals, I'd suggest considering the following:

  • There must be some value in dreams if evolution has preserved them.

  • The eccentricity of dreams is necessary to bypass the barriers of a stubborn mind.

  • Dream symbols are individual and meant only for you.

  • It's unknown who sends you dreams. Why ignore these gifts?

Sincerely yours,


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