Entrepreneur Inside the Corporation. Part II / by Alexander Lyadov

So​, your entrepreneurial spirit is trapped in a corporate body.

Leaving isn't an option, but staying isn't good either.

But what if the situation is exactly the opposite?

It's not you, it's the company, suffocated in a golden but cramped cage.

While the inertia of the past is strong, the business might still grow, but...

The symptoms indicate that nobody knows what to do next:

  • Politics' role in operational tasks increases,

  • Management avoids making tough decisions,

  • The managers' motivation system becomes unclear,

  • CEO keeps the business vision hidden from the team,

  • Corporate culture resembles a swamp, not a flowing river,

  • Customers are often unhappy with product/service quality,

  • The company is belatedly acknowledging reality, and so on.

In other words, the company is stuck, but it hasn't realised it yet.

For the entrepreneur within you, this is excellent news!


  • Choose any aspect of the company's problem that bothers you.

  • Work on it at your own pace in your free time.

  • With no management expectations, you risk nothing.

  • Worst case, you gain invaluable experience for the future.

  • Best case, your career takes a quantum leap.

  • Moreover, you have no competition here.

Sincerely yours,

P.S. Unsure how to find and close opportunities within a large organization? I can help you. Book a session ​here​.

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