Entrepreneur Inside the Corporation / by Alexander Lyadov

Some top managers have an entrepreneurial spirit.

In big corporations, it's tough for them. Is that you?

Sooner or later, dissonance arises in your mind.

On the one hand, there's a desire to break away and embrace novelty.

But fear holds you back: 'What if my adaptation takes too long?'

Many professionals damage their careers by radically changing industries.

On the other side, there's no room to breathe in your current job.

Sure, the company is stable, your income is solid, and the board of directors knows about you.

But this is drastically insufficient for your dynamic nature.

You're like a mustang harnessed to a plow—your potential is far greater.

The dilemma steals peace and energy, poisoning relationships and health.

What to do?

In such a situation, I offer clients counterintuitive advice:

Take on more responsibility.

Why? I'll explain next time.

Surely, you're interested in contemplating this case yourself.

Sincerely yours,


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