The Partnership Paradox / by Alexander Lyadov

Successful partnership is a resilient yet fragile thing.

It remarkably endures harsh hits from the outside.

And it strings possibilities one after another, like beads on a thread.

Unfortunately, success makes one feel invincible and arrogant:

"I'm a genius! Everything turns to gold, whatever I touch."

For now, he doesn't say it out loud, just whirl it in his head.

Sadly, their business is doomed. Even if the decay takes years.

Let's explore the root cause.

Partnership is ideal when there's a synthesis of contrasting forces.

Symbolically, it's a union of moon and sun, minus and plus, chaos and order.

But the moon is as it is not by chance - it repels the sun's heat.

Otherwise, it would have long stopped cooling everything around.

Someday, if the moon is wise, it acknowledges its shortcomings.

This is when an alliance of opposites emerges to offset each other's weaknesses.

Unfortunately, as success grows, pride rears its head.

Pride claims all the credit and devalues the partner's contribution:

"Unfair! I'm the only one who works hard and we split the profits in half".

This breeds:

  • Intrigues,

  • Power struggles,

  • Decision-making paralysis,

  • Revision of initial agreements,

  • Selection of managers for loyalty,

  • Shareholder conflicts, and much worse.

You might ask, what to do then?

Firstly, choose a mature individual as a partner.

Secondly, have those around who can put pride in its place.

Thirdly, consistently explore who you truly are.

Sincerely yours,


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