Why is the desired transformation not there? / by Alexander Lyadov

Can a trainer take on your pet to transform it from a source of chaos to a predictable and obedient dog? Yes, but there's a catch. He'll be a perfectly obedient dog with a trainer, but when you're alone your dog will be a completely different animal. Why? An inanimate object is static, no matter how you look at it. But a living being cannot be separated from its surroundings. What qualities it exhibits depends on who interacts with it. A wizard can tune your computer, but not even Sigmund Freud could fix your life for you.

Nevertheless, it is not uncommon in business to hear investors complain about the unpredictability of the prima donna-CEO. Or a founder's irritation with an HR director who has taken on too much power in the company. Or the owner's complaints about an infantile, conflict-prone and irresponsible management team. Often followed by an assignment to an external expert, the meaning of which is: "Can you fix him/her/them?". Many consultants, coaches and trainers willingly accept the challenge, but as Buddhists say, it's like putting legs on a drawn snake. There is usually no tangible impact on the business, other than the enjoyment of the new experience, i.e. the break from routine.

A subsystem problem can never be solved within itself. Its current form is by no means accidental. The subsystem meets the expectations of the supersystem, even if the request was not explicitly made. In fact, the current status quo in the company fulfils some important role for the leader and shareholders, even if they complain about it and claim otherwise. Many consultants, coaches and trainers willingly accept the challenge, but as Buddhists say, it's like putting legs on a drawn snake. There is usually no tangible effect on the business, except for the participants' delight in the new experience, read switch from routine.

A subsystem problem can never be solved within itself. Its current form is by no means accidental. The subsystem meets the expectations of the supersystem, even if the request was not explicitly made. In fact, the current status quo in the company fulfils some important role for the manager and shareholders, even if they complain about it and claim otherwise. Anyone who has had experience in psychotherapy knows that a passionate desire to change is not enough. It is important to understand why you stubbornly cling to what you have now. Otherwise, all attempts at change will be a false start and the wheel will inexorably return to the rut. That is why effective examples of company transformations are few and far between. All supersystems dream of ambitious change, but few are willing to start with themselves.

Yours sincerely,


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