How do you overcome the Earth's gravity? / by Alexander Lyadov

In any unfamiliar endeavour, the hardest part is getting it off the ground. Subjectively, without knowing what to expect, the imagination paints the bleakest possible outcome. But also objectively, novelty involves a series of barriers, bumps and holes. All this, in the initial phase, requires excessive physical, psychological and mental strain, lest the irreparable happen.

Stress, fatigue and doubts will accompany a person until the chaos is structured. It makes sense why the impulse to resist change and cling to the status quo is so strong. In order to endure such discomfort for a long time, you first need a clear answer to the question: "Why do I need all this?

What if the investment horizon is 3, 5, 7 or 10 years? And with no guarantee of success? Most people would snort, "No way, that's stupid. It is stupid, but not for those who, as they say in jujitsu, love the Game itself. The satisfaction of solving riddles and neutralising obstacles partly redeems anxiety, pain of loss and sleepless nights.

You've probably guessed that we're talking about business founders, though not exclusively. However, being resistant to discomfort does not mean striving to experience it unnecessarily. The best entrepreneurs I observe optimise the process so that they get the maximum return on every unit of effort they invest. To do this, they try to launch a new business not by pushing it, but by coasting. Remembering how much energy was consumed by their first business, they build their next project on what they have had so far. The first project gives an impetus to the second one, which in turn gives an impetus to the third one, and so on, speeding up. The serial entrepreneur eventually becomes irrelevant to the "forms" - industries, geography, market cycle, business models, etc. At the third cosmic velocity, the founder overcomes the Earth's gravity and expands into space.

Yours sincerely,


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