Why are there so few entrepreneurs? / by Alexander Lyadov

Unknown artist

Why are there so few entrepreneurs?

It is believed that an entrepreneur must sacrifice everything.

What he has and what he doesn’t have by borrowing money.

This is an unfortunate and dangerous misconception, I must say.

Sacrificing material assets is not easy, of course.

But fortune demands something more, and by an order of magnitude.

To give up illusions is the true price of success.

It is those illusions that are more precious to man than anything else in the world.

They are so precious that to get rid of them is like taking off one's own skin.

There are too few people in any society who are willing to do that to themselves.

No wonder fortune favors them in return.

Having thrown off illusions, the founder sees reality as it is.

And what is reality like? Forever spouting opportunities, one better than the other.

The entrepreneur is left to scoop up this water of life with his hands.

There, right in front of his eyes, from zero emerges one.

What about capital? It is secondary.

There is always plenty of money in the market. In good times and bad.

If you can make something out of nothing, it’s up to you to choose whose capital to accept.

Yours sincerely,


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