Sign of Innovation / by Alexander Lyadov


“It’s impossible to get new technology without having both sides. It’s hard to develop a tool that can only be used for good,” said Mark Andreessen, co-founder of the venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz. In this interview Mark and Joe Rogan discussed the possibility of an apocalypse, due to the invention of nuclear fusion, artificial intelligence, etc. Every innovation — fire, railroads, electricity, computers, or the Internet — at first or later has been feared by the potential disasters it has brought to people.

The peculiarity of innovation is that it allows us to create additional value through the successful implementation of a new idea. However, value, that is, significance and usefulness, are not inherent to anything by nature. The value of a phenomenon or object is given by society, a group of people or a person. This means that depending on the power that drives people, any innovation — contraception, antibiotics, social networks, or AI — will turn into such a mark.

After all, if we don’t lie to ourselves, there are two beginnings within each individual: the “plus” and the “minus. It is no coincidence that in the Bible the first truly earthly people, the children of Adam and Eve, were the shepherd Abel and the farmer Cain. Both worked in the sweat of their brow, both offered a sacrifice to God. Offended that God would not accept his sacrifice for some reason, Cain hated his brother and committed the first malicious murder of a man by a man in history. Symbolically, this age-old drama is playing out within each of us. Work hard or cheat? Sacrifice the most dear or hold back? Be jealous of another or change yourself? Difficult choices have to be made all the time.

Therefore, the greatest uncertainty is not in progress as such, but in man himself. His decisions will determine the future. It is worth remembering this when you are carried away with the next “saving” idea for your business, much less for all people on earth.

Yours sincerely,


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