Flamboyant dreams / by Alexander Lyadov

Some people simply ignore their dreams. They don't see any benefit in them. Others, when they wake up, rush through a dream interpreter in an attempt to find the common meaning of the symbols. My relationship to dreams is different from both. I benefit greatly from dreams, but only on the basis of my personal interpretations.

Carl Jung viewed curiosity as a way of communicating in time of self to self, that is, the future Alexander to the Alexander of today. We are often unable to explain why we are suddenly pulled in some direction like a wind sail. Attempts to resist this call end up generating longing, apathy, and hatred for ourselves and people. On the contrary, when we surrender to it, months or years later we are grateful for the priceless gift. Likewise, I perceive dreams as a coded message to me from the future self. Like the prototype, the dream seems to anticipate what is about to materialize in my life.

The only difficulty is that, for mysterious reasons, the "director" likes to give dreams an excessively vivid, flamboyant, and dramatic form. My hypothesis is that otherwise it is impossible to get around the rigid attitudes of the mind, which takes everything too literally. So the future Alexander strains his imagination to the limit in order to break through to me today with the help of strange symbols. An important message turns out to be encrypted. But the key to it cannot be found in popular dreambooks. Each symbol is intimately personal.

For example, today I had a hard time unraveling that the fantastic creature I saw at night was a person who had greatly influenced my life in my youth. Instantly, everything — the dream's plot, the other characters, and the objects — found a deep meaning, connecting the past, present, and future in one thread. I did not understand the message with my mind, but with my gut, or hara, as the Japanese would say. And now I am very grateful to the sender, for I know a little more about myself.

Sincerely yours,


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