Who is the Author of Your Game? / by Alexander Lyadov

Do you have competitors?

If the answer is "yes," then you're a participant in someone else's game.

Therefore, your success depends on the whims of the author.

The one who wrote the rules can change them at any moment.

For example, one day Amazon or LinkedIn may block your account.

But the most important thing is that every game is based on conflict and drama.

Victory and defeat imply a struggle for a limited resource introduced artificially by the author.

Attempting to challenge the limit threatens the existence of the game, and the "rebel" will be harshly punished by the system.

Does this mean that you should give up any game?

Not at all, because engaging in gameplay undoubtedly develops us.

But in addition to the role of a participant, it makes sense to become the author yourself.

By that, I mean creating a new game where the plot unfolds within you, rather than externally.

Here, the protagonist and antagonist are aspects of one's personality.

The rules are designed so that you wake up wanting to play again every morning.

You don't have competitors because your goals, path, and means are unique.

But what about limitations? They certainly exist; otherwise, there won't be any intensity.

As for the prize pool, there is no limit in your game at all.

Everything that holds you back at any given moment is solely you.

Yours sincerely,


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