The Art of Hearing / by Alexander Lyadov

To truly hear a person, I must forget about myself.

Otherwise, I'll be waiting for a convenient moment to say something of my own.

Most of the communication between people is not a dialogue but a monologue.

People look each other in the face, but everyone speaks about themselves and with themselves.

I realized this when I was studying the psychotherapeutic method called "Focusing."

That's when I felt the difference between being listened to and being heard.

It turns out, it's a special skill that's not so easy to develop.

Why? You need to set aside your beloved ego, at least for a while.

Over the course of several years, I've learned this, and now during business therapy sessions, I'm present but absent—I'm only the client.

Entrepreneurs note in their reviews: "Alexander possesses the rare patience to listen and the ability to hear," "I appreciate his calmness, sincerity, and listening skills," "Alexander has a unique skill—he listens."

This aspect may not seem crucial to anyone from the outside.

But I know that the root cause of the problem cannot be found otherwise.

"Never attempt to cure what you don't understand," they say in Poland.

The paradox is that you need to be heard by others in order to truly understand yourself.

Yours sincerely,


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”Who are you and what do you do?"
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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