On the Path to Breakthrough / by Alexander Lyadov

Chris Park


Why is it difficult to make a breakthrough in business or career?

People cannot endure the phase of creative destruction, that is, chaos.

The path to the Garden of Eden lies through hell, symbolically or literally.

It requires willingly diving into frightening uncertainty.

In learning a new skill, it means being a "fool" for a while.

In discovering new lands, it means accepting the chance of getting lost.

In innovation, it means enduring frustration until the "Aha!"

Here, it is impossible to avoid discomfort, boredom, pain, or anxiety.

It's important to understand the meaning of the process and value each phase.

Additionally, the skill of navigating through chaos is necessary, whether you possess it or your guide does.

Also, either you or your guide should be proficient to navigate through chaos.

Finally, you need to have an answer to the question: "What do you want it for?

Yours sincerely,


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