Focus in the whirlpool of opportunities / by Alexander Lyadov

Sometimes the problem is not lack of opportunity, but abundance.

"There are plenty of projects and stress, but no dividends, excitement, or personal space," confesses the entrepreneur. Drought is harmful, but continuous rains are dangerous too. In the whirlpool of tasks, it's easy to drown, wasting energy in vain. And what about business? It reflects the founder's state of being since employees generate a lot of activity, yet in the end, it all turns out to be a fizzle.

The situation resembles scattered beautiful Christmas ornaments everywhere. This magnificence requires a support rod, but the tree isn't there yet. My task is to help the founder find this rod.

The solution is not simply to declare, "You need focus." It is crucial to understand what specific barriers prevent the individual from achieving it. Typically, it is an unconscious false belief. Once the misconception loses its power, the hierarchy of goals and values immediately becomes clear. The founder says, "Ah, I see, my strategic priorities are X, Y, and Z."

Yours sincerely,


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