Embracing Paradox / by Alexander Lyadov

Business is like a bulldog — if it wheezes and snores, it means it's alive.

Worry only when it suddenly becomes too quiet.

Existence implies dynamics, drama, upheaval, and discomfort.

Conversely, an inanimate object is immediately recognizable by its fixed form.

Just like shed snake skin remains static, a fallen leaf doesn't grow.

In other words, life is not a structure but a function or process.

The process is driven by a contradiction that cannot be definitively resolved.

Polarities not only exist; they are intimately intertwined.

Order and chaos, individuality and society, stability and growth, and so on.

A tilt in any direction inevitably triggers a swing back.

So relying on extremes is utopian and characteristic of novices or fanatics.

So, the mature leader doesn't shy away from contradictions but seeks them out.

A leader understands that the secret to a thriving business lies in paradox.

Creative acts take place at the intersection of contradictions.

Yours sincerely,


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