The Power of Adaptability / by Alexander Lyadov

Give people infinite time, and they'll adapt to anything.

The mind is so flexible that it can eventually digest almost any shock.

But fate throws a challenge and growls, "Change now!"

Thus, the problem lies only in the speed of our transformations.

For some, adaptation will take an hour, while for others, a decade. Why?

Well, some people are more open to novelty based on their psychological type.

Their curiosity overrides paralyzing anxiety.

The question is, what about the rest of us?

Weak adaptability can be compared to an atrophied muscle.

What matters is not its initial strength, but the fact that it exists at all.

Provide a rhythm of exertion and rest, and the volume of muscle fibers will increase.

Creating a rhythm of exertion and rest will increase the volume of muscle fibers.

However, the load must be manageable, and the rest must be complete.

By the way, that's exactly how exposure therapy works for treating severe anxiety disorders (phobias, PTSD, OCD, etc.).

The advantage is that flexibility in one area melts rigidity in others.

Consciously accelerating adaptability is also a form of superpower, isn't it?

Yours sincerely,


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