Deeptrue vs Deepfake / by Alexander Lyadov

In the past, people suffered from numerous hardships, dangers, and illnesses. But they didn't have a more terrifying problem than what we have. Their existence was 100% real, while our lives are relentlessly consumed by fake.

Pseudofacts, voice clones, rewriting of history, concept substitution, and so on. Soon only AI will be able to separate the wheat from the chaff, but who will trust its verdict?

No wonder the use of antidepressants in the United States has ​quadrupled​ since 1988. When everything around becomes conditional, the collapse inside a person grows.

I realize that this trend cannot be stopped and it will only continue to escalate. But that's the external world; order in our minds can and should be maintained.

Personally, sports give me hope—jiu-jitsu, walking, and kettlebells. Physical activity cannot be distorted, and it cannot be denied.

Swinging a mace centers the mind better than any antidepressant. Gravity always exerts its influence during a jiu-jitsu scramble. If the news makes your head spin, stand under an icy shower.

Any activity becomes medicine when the consciousness receives direct feedback from the world, without artificial algorithms.

Yours sincerely,


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