What is Your Life's Pattern? / by Alexander Lyadov

Your life is a unique pattern of complexity and beauty.

At first, someone or something else moves the needle, not you.

Parents, friends, or circumstances mold you like clay.

But sooner or later, the creator within awakens.

True, for some, only a catastrophe can provide the push.

However it is, potentially the Demiurge exists in everyone.

His function is to create a pattern that is impossible to replicate.

It's important to note that this is an inner dictate, not self-indulgence or folly.

In other words, it's the growing of personal meaning from the inside out.

The mistake is to compare the scope of influence on the planet and people.

How can one assess a mother's love for her children or the advice of a wiseman?

Everyone has their own purpose, which is sometimes unclear even in hindsight.

But it's absolutely clear when your pattern is real, honest, and alive.

Yours sincerely,


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