The Forgotten Foundation of Advertising, Marketing and Sales / by Alexander Lyadov

Some people disdain advertising, marketing, and sales.

They perceive it as a hellish concoction of violence, manipulation, and NLP.

They believe that a super service will sell itself.

But since there are no queues of eager customers, they get angry.

Fools allegedly surround them, unable to appreciate the service's genius.

This is a warm bath of narcissism, and one can soak in it for years.

Unfortunately, they have forgotten the foundation of advertising and sales.

For a customer to buy something, they must know about you and trust you.

To begin with, the founder should explicitly state the service.

After all, customers are immersed in routine and surrounded by noise.

But without the fertile soil of trust, the seed of information will not sprout.

How does trust arise? The sources of distrust provide a clue.

These are unfamiliarity, complexity, unpredictability, and confusion.

Yours sincerely,


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