How to Outrace Age? / by Alexander Lyadov

As one ages, their energy inevitably decreases.

A 50-year-old wrestler doesn't have the explosiveness and stamina he had at 20.

But it's not brute force that wins, it's a well-directed impulse.

A joke elicits laughter if delivered precisely at the right moment.

The power of the car's engine is important, but the software is even more critical.

It allows for quick energy replenishment and optimal performance.

A seasoned comedian doesn't rush, ramble, or flit about the stage.

He holds long pauses and with a single grimace breaks the audience's guts.

It's impossible, nor necessary, to stop the natural course of things.

However, nature is capable of giving something back while taking away much.

Provided that one continuously updates his or her software.

The ideal is when increasing wisdom exceeds decreasing strength.

Essentially, someone who gets close to the ideal doesn't age.

Yours sincerely,


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