What Did You Learn? / by Alexander Lyadov

An entrepreneur reaches a crucial milestone and...

...immediately shifts to the next goal.

That's an unforgivable mistake.

A poor hunter is one who leaves the deer in the woods, taking only the antlers.

Victories (and defeats) hold treasures, much like an archived file.

This is a unique algorithm, a way to scale your success.

But many underestimate themselves, saying:

  • "It was luck."

  • "Nothing special."

  • "I don't have time. There are bigger problems ahead."

Do you really enjoy reinventing the wheel over and over again? If not, then:

  1. Take a break.

  2. Describe the steps that got you from point A to point B.

  3. Extract the key lesson.

For the next problem, you might already have a template. Sincerely yours,

-Alexander P.S. Do you find it hard to see the hidden meaning of your past victories and defeats? ​Book​ in my calendar a convenient time for you to meet. We will clarify your request and discuss options to help you: ​​​Book a call >>

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