Eliminating Self-Sabotage / by Alexander Lyadov

To help yourself better, you need to think like an adversary.

Imagine you want to cause maximum harm to yourself. What will you do?

You can restrict your movements, for instance, by tying yourself up. However, whenever you get the chance, the prisoner will try to escape and cause problems.

It's better to hit in a way that incapacitates the body for a long time. But this won't hinder your ability to make plans. In fact, it might increase your effectiveness since there are no distractions.

Clearly, the best target is your head, or more precisely, your mental clarity. If you get disoriented, paralyzed, or mad, sooner or later, you'll ruin yourself.

The thing is, the surrounding context changes and flows. Did you gape? Endure discomfort. Are you late? Suffer pain. Are you hopelessly behind? The resulting vulnerability is incompatible with life.

So, the primary battle is for the clarity of your mind. A smart enemy strikes this point first. But far more dangerous than an external enemy is the internal one: the destructive part of your personality.

In light of what's been said, it makes sense to find and eliminate self-sabotage:

  • Excessive use of mind-altering substances (like alcohol).

  • Obsessive consumption of disturbing news;

  • Intellectual, physical, and social isolation;

  • Ignoring internal contradictions;

  • Ideological narrow-mindedness;

  • A vacuum of meaning;

And sleep deprivation. Sincerely yours,


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