Life's Self-Organization / by Alexander Lyadov

The mind prefers linear processes to maintain control.

But in real life, complex order arises spontaneously from chaos. Every time such a surprise catches the mind off guard.

A vivid example is the winding path of creative individuals.

In this sense, artists and entrepreneurs are alike. They rely not on a plan, but on a deep insight of what needs to be done here and now.

Their curiosity constantly scans the changing context. As soon as a favorable opportunity arises, they firmly grasp it. And a threat forces them to step back or sideways.

As a result, their journey is full of sudden loops and zigzags. On short stretches, it may look like confusion and disorder.

You need to take a look at decades. That's when every "strange" turn becomes clear. Everything was not in vain. Meaning shines through the chaos. Life has optimally organized itself.

If only I knew this earlier, I wouldn't have felt any doubts or worries.

I would have just pursued what I cannot help but do.

Sincerely yours,


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