Accepting Yourself / by Alexander Lyadov

Your potential will remain untapped until... accept yourself for who you are.

But what should you accept?

Everything that makes you feel uncomfortable, annoyed, or scared.

In short, it's what you'd rather no one knew about.

Trying to forget these aspects is a fatal mistake.

You risk throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Prejudices prevent you from spotting nuggets in the mud.

Take anger, for instance; it's a boundary protector.

The problem is that anger can suddenly possess a person.

Yet, if you tame that watchdog, you won't have to worry about the sheep.

But first, the beast must acknowledge its owner. How?

The person takes the initiative.

He carefully studies the animal, treat it kindly, and speak gently to it.

The owner has patience, and skills and the answer to the question, "Why?".

And most importantly, he doesn't consider the watchdog a creature from hell.

Sincerely yours,


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