Vitality Trap / by Alexander Lyadov

Dominique Bigelow

Tatami gives me answers to the questions posed by business and life.

Question: When do I burn the most energy?

When I’m butting heads with a force greater than myself.

Both sides get drained, but my resources will run out first.


  • Trying to fix a system that’s corrupt from top to bottom.

  • A long legal battle between a startup and an global corporation.

  • Selling a stake to an investor tied to the criminal world.

Let's push this idea to the limit to understand the worst-case scenario:

We challenge a force that’s eternal, inevitable, and inexhaustible.

The fight will be pointless because the outcome is already decided.

For example, ​analysts predict​ that the global cosmetic surgery market will grow from $48 billion in 2023 to $73 billion in 2028. The fear of aging drives people to pay any price for the illusion.

Everything around us inevitably decays, crumbles, and disappears: organisms, civilizations, and mountain ranges. Only the Ego proclaims: "Let everything and everyone change, but I stay as is."

This belief pushes a person into conflict with the universe. He drives away worries of the inevitable end. To calm himself, he wastes tremendous energy maintaining a false picture of the world.

Then he asks, “Why am I so tired? Where’s the energy to live?”

Imagine how much he could achieve if he didn’t squander energy fighting something that doesn't even notice him.

And it blows the mind to think about what will happen when his liberated personal power merges with the universal flow of life.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

How can I help you?
If you've long been trying to understand what is limiting you and/or your business and how to finally give important changes a push, then The Catalyst Session is designed specifically for you. Book it here.