A Faraway Journey Nearby / by Alexander Lyadov

Every morning, I sit down to write a fresh article for you. Sometimes I already have an idea, but more often, I have to search for it. Or actively wait.

With that in mind, I absentmindedly scroll through IG, browsing the images I’ve saved just in case. I guess that makes me a hunter-gatherer.

A Japanese sculptor or a photographer from the heart of America might intrigue me so much that I’ll wander through his feed for half an hour.

It feels like my favorite activity when traveling abroad—roaming the foreign streets. For obvious reasons, that’s not possible for me now. But, as you can see, I’ve found a way around it.

After all, every city is a physical expression of the worldview and culture of its people. A walk reveals "Aha" moments in the most unexpected places. It subtly enriches and changes you.

Photographers, sculptors, and artists have a third eye. They see the world as it is but then bend its light through the prism of their gift. The essence of existence becomes clear.

Even before I’ve written a single word, my time hasn’t been wasted. Sitting at my desk in Kyiv, it felt like I peeked into a kaleidoscope of Wow-ideas after a hit of DMT.

At the right moment, one of them bites the hook of my curiosity. No effort is needed. The article writes itself. Voilà!

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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