Heartfelt Wisdom / by Alexander Lyadov

It's no secret that some people are led by logic, while others by intuition. There are even terms: "man-mind" and "man-spirit".

The first type excels at noticing nuances and details in what's happening now. The second type sees the hidden patterns and grasps the situation as a whole. In itself, this isn't good or bad. It's just the way it is.

But people have a choice—to upgrade themselves or to degrade.

For example, someone might develop their mind, forgetting about the spiritual side. Lying, cheating, stealing, and belittling others becomes easy and enjoyable. A mind free from morality does these things boldly, with a spark.

Or, a person might focus on their spirituality but ignore the practical side of life. The spirit grows without the mind. His goals are so beautiful, lofty, and noble that he's willing to sacrifice anyone, including himself, to achieve them.

It's clear that both of these paths lead to chaos, violence, and deception.

What's the alternative? To develop the mind with the spirit and the spirit with the mind. This means that a person with a strong logical side pays attention to the so-called "nonsense"—ethics, aesthetics, religion, metaphysics, and so on.

And a man with a dominant intuitive side makes an effort to appreciate the so-called "vulgarity"—seeking cause-and-effect relationships, evaluating real consequences, and staying grounded.

In this case, both are rewarded with truth, harmony, and love.

"One of the saints said that the heart must become wise, and the mind must become heartfelt," a kind person once explained to me.

As we can see, it's not about which imbalance we start with, but whether we're willing to face what makes us uncomfortable. And most importantly, it's about which force—chaos or harmony—we choose to serve each day.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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