Truth in the Dirt / by Alexander Lyadov

​John Danaher​, the coach of champions, explains: "In the sport of jiu-jitsu, the most beautiful takedowns score the same as the ugliest takedowns. You will not be judged by takedowns but by the outcome of the takedown.”

John, isn't it the same in business? The more bureaucratic the company and the lower the manager's level, the stricter the requirements for form — the accepted "beauty" standard.

On the other hand, in a tech startup team and at the entrepreneurial level, only the final result matters — you either survive (win) or slow down (die). Here, function is valued, even when it takes on a repulsive form.

Moreover, every founder knows that "ugliness" is a mandatory step before "beauty." Every beginning is like childbirth — chaos, pain, screams, risk, and blood. You can't find a gold nugget without getting dirty.

That's why seasoned founders don't fear imperfection; they seek it out. Most likely, 99% of people have passed by what they consider nonsense.

A monk asked, "What is Buddha?"

A Zen master replied, "A dry turd."

To a Western reader, this phrase is both unclear and unpleasant.

But this is the paradox of existence — the most valuable things aren't kept in a heavenly chest with platinum locks. The treasures are scattered before us. But our prejudices turn our gaze away.

True wealth will remain out of reach as long as the thirst for pleasure and comfort overshadows the quest for truth.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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