Unknown Beast / by Alexander Lyadov

Knowing your superpower is crucial for achieving more with less effort. When you're engrossed in what comes naturally to you, the work practically handles itself. People gaze at you in awe and ask, "Why does this come so easily to you?" Your response is a smile and, "Is this even work? I enjoy it so much that I'd do it non-stop even without rewards." As investor Navall Ravikant once said, "Do what feels like play to you, but looks like work to others".

Yet, there's something even more critical than your superpower. It's about your vulnerability point, your kryptonite or Achilles' heel. Because any strength loses its meaning if a single blow of fate hits your pain point and brings you down. And fate will strike, rest assured. But the worst is if that fateful blow catches you off guard.

The sole way to prevent a catastrophe is to understand yourself. Specifically, to explore the part of you that remains unknown. Some aspects of your personality you may admire and take pride in. But your other aspects or parts trigger embarrassment, irritation, disgust, fear, or shame. As long as this part remains detached, it will act on its own. Mostly, it lurks in the shadows. Yet at times, it surprises you with its behavior, like a wild beast. Studying the behavior of this "beast" allows you to comprehend its motivations. At the very least, you can adapt and counteract its negative effects. But perhaps this beast will prove irreplaceable in situations A, B and C. Maybe, one day, you'll wholeheartedly embrace and love every aspect of yourself.

Sincerely yours,


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