Truth vs Lie / by Alexander Lyadov

We fear the truth. It shatters the illusions we hold dear. Losing them means losing our familiar self-image. The more lies in the foundation of our world, the more anxious we live. Everything and everyone around us can become a personal threat. This shows up in excessive emotions over trivial matters. Or in completely ignoring what we thought we couldn't miss. We glorify the power of our mind, but it turns out to be a subconscious captive. So, it twists and turns like a snake when reality grabs us by the tail.

The paradox is that truth, though seemingly perilous, offers salvation. Unlike the instability of illusion, we feel truth as solid ground beneath us. You've experienced the sudden crystallization of truth at least once in your life — a moment recognizable by its profound clarity, unwavering resolve, and inner peace. Though a minute earlier, you were struggling in waves of doubts and fears. The transformation is so profound that you want to stay forever in this blissful state.

Through individual and group psychotherapy, I observe the struggle between truth and lies. In business therapy with entrepreneurs, I glean insights into how this battle unfolds in others. Personal intricacies reveal depth. The cases of others offer breadth and a variety of self-deception methods. Then, I can make sense of the acquired experience through workshops and books. That's why I love my job. It's a rare opportunity to see reality as it is.

Sincerely yours,


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