Illusion's Danger / by Alexander Lyadov

When your knee's a real mess, you handle it with care. Slippery ice? Stay indoors. Hiking? No way. Sports championship? Maybe next year. Instead of chasing records and limits, your first job is to heal.

Similarly, when one's vulnerability lies in one's psyche and mind. Back in the day, folks hit college for a taste of freedom, new horizons, and mind-blowing stuff. Nowadays, universities are more like nurseries, where bearded "babies" get coddled to avoid discomfort. Instead of growing, young minds shrink. As adaptability wanes, a harsh reality check is inevitable. Feeling it, fragile souls hide in their made-up worlds.

If you're building a biz, fighting fires, or lost in a wild forest, nothing's riskier than delusions. Even if your brain resists, your inner self knows your weak spots. It'll do all to keep out "dangerous" facts. It might even erase the fact and its teller. Later, you'll ask, "Why did I snap? What hit me?" But distorting reality's as silly as spitting the wind, let alone acid splashes. Sooner or later, illusions will smack your biz and life. That's why true entrepreneurs never lie to themselves.

So, do you have a ritual for shaking off illusions?

Sincerely yours,


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