Balancing Act / by Alexander Lyadov

"Only perform these exercises for the injured leg. We need to make it significantly stronger than the healthy one," instructs the rehab specialist. "But why?" I wonder, "Won't that create an imbalance?" It turns out, the body remembers the injury and will try to protect the knee by taking weight off of it. But when the ligaments and muscles not only recover, but also gain extra strength and resilience, the body stops worrying about what might happen next.

Essentially, the pendulum must swing from one extreme to another. Otherwise, lost balance cannot be regained. This thought seems obvious, but... The mind seems to protest: "Why create excess? Why not simply eliminate the deficit?" Unfortunately, to go from a negative to zero, you'll have to go through a positive. Opposites, like a hero and a villain, cannot exist without each other. Wherever there's an imbalance, drama arises.

I read somewhere that ancient Chinese healers focused solely on restoring their patients' energy balance. Back then, I remember scoffing at this as esoteric. But the longer I observe the work of masters in various fields, the more inclined I am to agree that it's indeed true. Whether it's rehabilitation, business mediation, or psychotherapy, it doesn't matter. Want to eliminate negative symptoms in a company or an individual? Look for where the imbalance lies."

Sincerely yours,


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