Umbrella Solution / by Alexander Lyadov

Isaac Reyes


The neighbour downstairs complained: "Your footsteps make my ceiling crack."

Alas, when you hang a 36-kg weight on your belt, there is noise.

I can't give up the exercise, but I feel sorry for the neighbors. What to do?

I was about to cover the entire floor with expensive rubber coating.

But then a friend casually said, "Are you barefoot? Put on shoes."

Voila! In Crocs with a thick sole, the heavy me glides like a shadow.

This trivial case illustrates an important thought.

We are often in search of a grand solution to a grand problem.

But that's a way of wasting time, effort and resources.

It's wiser to narrow the conflict down to the operational zone.

For me it was the tiny contact area between the floor and my feet.

Facing a serious threat in business, leaders fall into extremes:

  • they either stay in a stupor for too long,

  • Or they rush to put out the fire with a flood of resources.

Better take a pause and look at the situation from the outside.

You'll discover a very different place to focus your efforts.

When skies open, a successful local solution is often an umbrella.

Sincerely yours,


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