Transformer's Dilemma / by Alexander Lyadov

On one hand, the world around us objectively exists.

On the flip side, you subjectively create your own world.

There is no contradiction between these two statements.

Every moment you're bombarded with events, phenomena, things.

But for some reason, you pick A from the mix and ignore B and C.

Like one kid making a T-Rex out of Lego, another making a boat.

It doesn't matter if it's your conscious choice or your ancestral vibes.

What matters is, the older you get, the less your "world" resembles others'.

So to say: "I want to change the world around me" is naive or narcissistic.

History is full of tragic attempts to make people happy.

Why? Fixing others is fearing the demons lurking inside you.

"Whatever is rejected by the self appears in the world as an event," said Jung.

Anyone who's tried knows – changing yourself is crazy tough.

The world quietly gets better if each carries their own cross.

Sincerely yours,


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